Many people are confused and are taken advantage of by others such as their colleagues, business partners, clients, contractors and–wait for it–fake pastors because they take searching and studying the Word of God too lightly. They just refuse to read and do diligent study on subject matters that pertain to their business/career or to search the scriptures themselves to know the mind of God on a given subject matter.
They depend on a two-hour church service (which includes opening prayer, announcements, testimonies, 40-45 minutes of teaching) to carry them through this life filled with confusing information and divergent opinions. For others, it is a 5-minute video clip or a 1-hour seminar offered by various schools of thought that they use to make their business- and life-impacting decisions. Decisions that will have long-term ramifications for them, their loved ones and their business interests.

“Beloved, study to show yourself approved, so that when you are faced with divergent opinions from self-acclaimed schools of thought, you can make the right judgement that will line up with God’s purpose for your life.” (2 Tim. 2:15-16).
As a young man in my 3rd year of uni, I told a close friend that whenever I received my stipend from my dad (now passed) for my upkeep at university, I paid 10 percent of it to God. He told me it was senseless of me to be doing that, as my dad had likely already paid the tithe. That was his opinion, and even though it sounded great, it was divergent to what I had discovered.
I had been tithing since my 2nd year, after I had discovered scriptures about tithing from Malachi 3:10-12. No one forced me; it was just a discovery that convinced and convicted me. I discovered tithing was something God had put in place in the church so that if any of His people were faced with a need at one time or the other, they may have something to keep them going.
But more than that, I have found that it opens the heavenly windows upon any investment I make and ensures and secures my abundance. Simple. I subscribed to that.
God does not spend money, so He does not need my money. It is for people in the household of faith that may need provision, and it is up to the church leadership how they apportion it. They answer to God, so I have no headache as far as tithes and offerings are concerned. I give to God, not to men, even though it is men within the household of faith that collect offerings (Hebrews 7:8).
You see, I may have missed the goodness of God my family enjoys today if I had listened to my father’s friend (whom I held in high esteem). My discovery enhanced my sense of judgement. There is nothing as convincing as a personal discovery (Acts 17:11).