Everyone is on a mission!. Every discovery needs exploration and every explorer needs an influencer – You are on a mission and the mission ‘is-possible’ with.
My mission is to enrich your journey of self-discovery and inspire you towards a life of significance. I want you to discover who you are and explore the unlimited possibilities that your presence brings to your world. I do this through my inspired writings, how-to videos, mentoring opportunities, training and consultations.
“Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” NLT, Mark 10:27.
Let me confess: a few years ago, I was just like you. But then I started getting a deeper insight into who I really was. You see, we have been sold a lot of lies and half-truths about ourselves for a long time. Unfortunately, we have naively believed many of them. I am here to give you a shift in perspective. I want you to experience a paradigm shift. I will steer you in a whole new but extremely rewarding direction. Why? Because although you may not realize it yet:
- You are Born to Win: God destined you for victory, not for defeat. Don’t give up the fight. Don’t succumb to naysayers.
- You are Born to Reign: You are ordained as a King/Queen to reign in life – not to be oppressed or to cow to worldly pressure and stress.
- You are Born for a Purpose: There is something unique that you were designed to accomplish in life. You just don’t know it at this moment.
- You are Born for Greatness: You may start small but you’re certainly not designed to remain small. The seed of greatness is in you. It needs to be watered and nurtured.
- You are Born to be Significant – You are born for impact and influence!
I guarantee you that you can be a thousand times better than you are right now. Someone just needs to let you know that and that someone might as well be me!
I speak through experience
There was a time I believed I could never conquer Mathematics until my mum mentioned something about me being the brightest of all her kids but was operating below my intelligence level. Imagine what a shock that was to me. Although a shocker, that pronouncement completely got me thinking afresh and set me on my path to the present.
I once sat with a female colleague at work for six months. And within that period, she started her own sandwich shop through her conversation with me day in day out. She became an employer and a contributor to the economy of her country. It became clear to me that everyone needs encouragement or a booster at some point in their life. Remember, even Jesus got one!
My time at the Ziglar Headquarters (during my induction into the Ziglar family) left a lasting impression on me. I became a Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer and was excited at the privilege. But I left the organisation with a big bold statement in my heart: There is more to be done for others. It was there that I noted clearly that success and significance are quite different. I observed that the life of Zig had impacted a lot of people. I felt a sense of urgency to impact more people at a higher rate than I was doing at the time.
However, I felt inadequate. I am naturally a confident man but I felt I needed to have achieved a lot more before I could start influencing people on a larger scale. Then, sometime later whilst sharing with a beloved brother, I came across something in the New Testament that answered my question. It says: 10 We are full of sorrow and yet we are always happy. We are poor and yet we make many people rich. We have nothing and yet we have everything (NLV, 2 Corinthians 6:10). This was the shift I needed. It simply says that no matter your level per time, you still have something to offer — to your next door neighbour, your colleagues at work, your church members, family (nuclear and extended), community, nation and the world as a whole. Someone is counting on you to shine so they can follow suit.

You will take off!
Therefore, with genuine love of God and by the inspiration of His sweet Spirit, I bring you from the O.A.O platform; words of comfort, encouragement and exhortation. I guarantee you that some of the things you will read or watch here will inspire you as they are mainly from godly inspirations.
It is my prayer that you will find fulfillment and be in a position to help other people find their way in life after going through some of my content both on this website and on my social media platforms below: