
3 John 1, 2 & 3 – “[1] The elder unto the well-beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth. [2] Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. [3] For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.”

If I can measure the level of the Word of God in you, I can tell you roughly how healthy you are. Depression is the wellspring of a deprived soul. Deprived of what? Good news (God’s Word). Christians should stop quoting the Bible passage 3 John 1-3 for prosperity and health without a detailed revelation of the wish of Paul for brother Gaius.

Gaius was a brother dedicated to the study and practice of the Word of God. He walked in the truth. The Word of God was not only in him, he was exemplifying it. So much so that the people around him testified of him to Paul. The more of God’s Word that dwells in us, the higher our chances of living healthy and wealthy lives.

Many are not healthy and prosperous because they are not allowing the Word of God its place in their lives on a daily basis. The scriptures are not memory verses but a lifestyle. We have to work and walk in the Word and explore the Bible daily so we can prosper in Spirit, Soul and Body.

The wish of Paul for the health and prosperity of Gaius is premised on his knowledge of his love for the truth (the Word). His soul was prospering in the Word so Paul was confident other parts of his life would almost assuredly follow the same path.

The level of your wealth and health is largely a function of the soundness of your mind. If your soul is sound, your health will spring forth speedily. The Word is health and the Bible brings healing to our flesh (Proverbs 4:22). An attack on your soul is an attack on your health. The more attuned and renewed our mind is to godly principles on wealth and health, the more prosperity we enjoy in those areas.

Your health will spring forth this week and you will prosper in your way. Have a blessed week.

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